Lead Scanner App

Everyone from your organisation who has been given an account from the Livebuzz Exhibitor Zone will automatically receive their own Lead Scanner App log in details. There is no cost associated with adding more users.

Once your organisation has registered you as an eZone or App user, you will receive a welcome email with your own unique password. To log in on the App, just enter this along with your email address. If you have not received your welcome email, it may be in your junk/spam mail – have a careful look.

If a lead does not appear in your list, it may be sitting in the Pending tab. This could be because your phone does not have a strong enough internet connection, or because the visitor’s information has not yet been entered into the system (this can take up to 10 minutes from their arrival at the event if they were not pre-registered). The app will keep trying to gather the full data, and will move the data into Leads when it has been successful.

You can export your data at any time by pressing SAVE.XLS at the top right of your leads list. The Excel file will be sent automatically to your email address.

Try checking your junk/spam mail folder. Please be patient. If there are many export requests it may take the system a little longer to prepare and send it. If the export file does not show up in an hour, there may have been a lack of connectivity from your phone making the request. Please give another try. If it still does not arrive, please contact us via email at leadscanner@montgomerygroup.com

If you are having trouble logging in, select “Forgot Password?” on the app log in page. A new password will be emailed to you. It is not possible to edit this password.

Physical Lead Scanner

Visit the Store on this website. You should see scanner hire options for any show(s) you are exhibiting at. Please ensure you complete a hire for the correct show(s) you wish to have a scanner for. This must be done at least 1 week prior to the show to guarantee availability. Your scanner(s) will be available for pickup each morning of the show at the Sales Stand/Lounge. It must be returned to the same stand at the end of each day to ensure data is transferred to your account and the scanner is charged for the next day.

It costs £150 + VAT to rent one scanner for the duration of the show (days the show is open to the trade).

When you hold down the scan button, it will flash green. If the scan has been successful, you will hear a three-tone beep and the green light will hold for a few seconds.

The scanners are charged overnight before each day of the show, but should you have problems with the battery please contact the Business Intelligence Support Team, who will bring you a replacement.

At the end of each show day, all handheld scanners must be placed in the envelope provided and returned to the Sales Stand/Lounge. Your leads will be sent as an Excel file to the email address of your organisation’s lead contact. The data is also available for export from the App, in which case it will be prepared on our servers and emailed to the logged in user as soon as possible.

Yes. You can cancel your orders by sending a request to leadscanner@montgomerygroup.com.
Payments are handled through Stripe and as such follow Stripe terms. Refunds take 5-10 days to appear on a customer’s account.